Health Ministry

“So closely is health related to our happiness

that we cannot have the latter without the former.”

-Counsels on Health, p. 38

    At the Centralia SDA Church, our Health Ministry Team is passionate about bringing rays of happiness into the life of all with whom we come in contact. Visitors and church members are greeted each Sabbath morning with a quick health fact during the worship service and welcomed to stay as family for the bi-weekly, vegetarian potlucks. The benefits of this ministry are not limited to Sabbath, however.

   During the week we offer spiritually-boosting educational events such as cooking classes, marital health seminars, conquering depression programs; further still, there are hands-on opportunities to integrate the many facets of health, such as outdoor exercise excursions.

   Many events are planned throughout the year, so check out our calendar and plan to join us!